After several years you wake up from the hibernation sleep and find out that you are hopelessly off the known star charts. Your colleges in other hibernation tombs are dead. The only way to return to home is to do almost blind hyper jumps in very inaccurate direction. Each hyper jump is another game level with more difficulties to get through but closer to the Earth.
- cartoonish with public domain Hubble photos
- new real-like physics engine that introduces warped gravity fields, magnetic force fields, vaporizing radiation rays, slowing down sticky nebula...
- weapons: laser, bomb, protective force field (possible tractor beam as Bob suggested - that's doable)
- driving: all directions, forward turbo-engine, on/off visibility of gravity field lines or dangerous radiation (radiation as reddish fog shaded out by asteroids - viz image below)
- obstacles: physics, hot stars, black holes, asteroid fields, sticky nebula, warped space, increased radiation (will need to stay behind some big asteroid), magnetic meteorites (will be attracted to the spaceship),... many more and their deadly combination. When being pulled in by the black hole doesn't mean game over but reemerging in some other older level, player would have to repeat some number of levels between.
- asteroids would also be driven by changed gravity field or "sticky nebula", vaporized by hot stars, breaking each other, magnetic meteorites would be sticking or repulsing each depending on polarity - this can be quite spectacular. Even that there is a vacuum in space there would be introduced some cool sound effects.
- after finishing level option to go to hyperspace to the next level: effect something like in Star Wars but more colorful
- easy controls, no cumbersome key combination
- mystery touch, something like in the movie Aliens
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